Actualization of Labor Rationing at the Enterprise in the Conditions of the Formation of an Innovative Digital Economy

  • Davlyatova Gulnara Mukhammadjonovna Candidate of economic sciences, Associate professor Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: innovative technologies, rationing methods, microelement rationing, labor rationing, labor productivity, production process, factor rationing, human capital


In the article, labor rationing is considered as the most important condition that ensures the efficiency of human capital use, as an integral part of planning, accounting and control at the enterprise. The article substantiates the necessity of rethinking the goals, tasks and methods of labor rationing taking into account the innovative changes taking place in business processes in the conditions of transition to digital economy. Recommendations for solving individual problems of labor rationing optimization at an enterprise are given.


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How to Cite
Mukhammadjonovna, D. G. (2021). Actualization of Labor Rationing at the Enterprise in the Conditions of the Formation of an Innovative Digital Economy. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 2(12), 47-50.