Scientific and Theoretical Aspects of the Motivation Process

  • Yormatov Kodirjon Jurakulovich Lecturer at the Department of Regional Economics and Management at the National University of Uzbekistan
Keywords: labor motivation, incentives, material motivation, status motivation, evaluation of labor results, rewarding, payment of wages


The article focuses on the use of motivation as a personnel management task. A characteristic feature of personnel management in the current conditions of management is the growing role of employees. The article identified the need for the incentive system to move forward, rather than the changing incentives and needs ratio. In order to motivate employees in organizations, material and intangible methods of rewarding for the work done today are used. It is advisable to use in practice different types of motivational methods in human resource management in any field.


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How to Cite
Jurakulovich, Y. K. (2022). Scientific and Theoretical Aspects of the Motivation Process. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 3(5), 73-79. Retrieved from