Migration and the Impact of Unemployment in Kosovo

  • C. Bletrona Krasniqi University “ Ukshin Hoti ”, Faculty of Economy, Prizren, Kosovo
Keywords: Migration, Kosovo, population


Given how current the situation of emigration of Kosovars is, this pushes us to study this issue even more deeply and to understand what were the reasons for their emigration.

The results from the primary data from the research as well as the use of secondary data for the theoretical part have testified to the achievement of the purpose of the paper, familiarity with the current situation in Kosovo and the needs of the population, concluding findings and making recommendations for people surveyed and not only them but also all those who have an interest in this paper. This paper contributes to the awareness of Kosovo Albanians on the importance of the homeland and not emigrating to other countries.


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How to Cite
Krasniqi , C. B. (2022). Migration and the Impact of Unemployment in Kosovo. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 3(5), 98-107. https://doi.org/10.17605/cajitmf.v3i5.239