The Role and Specifics of the Valuation Method in Accounting

  • Ibrokhim Ismanov Nabievich
  • Nilufar Ziyodinova Zarif qizi 67A Qadrdon street, Ferghana, Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: valuation, accounting, accounting method, cost, valuation object, monetary measurement


The article discusses the concept, nature and role of valuation as a monetary expression of the property and its impact on the results of the company. This will reveal the different interpretations of the concept of valuation in the works of domestic and foreign scholars. The opinion was expressed that the valuation traditionally serves as one of the main elements of accounting, which allows to get a generalized view of the state of the property and the results of the company. The method of accounting determines the place of valuation in the list of elements using examples.


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How to Cite
Nabievich, I. I., & qizi, N. Z. Z. (2023). The Role and Specifics of the Valuation Method in Accounting . Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 4(5), 24-31.