• Khalimov Shakhboz Khalimovich Assistant of Department "Digital Economy", Samarkand Economics and Service Institute
Keywords: Digitization, agriculture, development, farming practices, digital technologies, precision agriculture, smart farming systems, iot devices, data analytics, artificial intelligence, efficiency, productivity, sustainability, benefits, challenges, adoption, future trends, opportunities.


This article explores the significance of digitization in the agricultural sector and its impact on the development of farming practices. It discusses how digital technologies and data-driven solutions are transforming traditional farming methods, improving efficiency, productivity, and sustainability. The article highlights various aspects of digitization, including precision agriculture, smart farming systems, IoT devices, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. It also examines the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of digitization in agriculture and provides insights into future trends and opportunities in the field.


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How to Cite
Khalimov Shakhboz Khalimovich. (2023). DIGITIZATION AS THE MAIN FACTOR IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 4(6), 95-98. Retrieved from https://cajitmf.centralasianstudies.org/index.php/CAJITMF/article/view/523