Monuments of Buddhism in the Regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

  • Natalia Karimova Doctor of History, Professor, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
  • Bibisara Sadibekova Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Keywords: religious teaching, missionary, shrine, temple, culture, art, statues


It is known from history that the diplomatic, trade and migration routes connecting different countries and nations passed through the lands of Central Asia. In addition, since ancient times, China has maintained relations with the peoples of Central Asia. Currently, the importance of Central Asia as a bridge connecting China, East Asia and European countries is increasing.

It is known that Buddhism is one of the oldest religions. This religion was brought to Central Asia by noblemen and missionaries through the first system of caravans and waterways that covered all the regions of that time known as the Great Silk Road. This article deals with historical monuments of Buddhism in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.


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How to Cite
Natalia Karimova, & Bibisara Sadibekova. (2023). Monuments of Buddhism in the Regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 4(8), 105-110. Retrieved from