Integration of Uzbekistan into the International Financial System

  • Ruzibaeva Nargiza Khakimovna Samarkand Institute of Economy and Service, Associate Professor of the Department of Investment and Innovation
Keywords: international integration associations, cooperative relations, Islamic financial assets, entrepreneurship subjects, production infrastructure


In this article, the activities of international integration associations, the countries that are part of this association development of mutual trade relations with, as well as cooperation relations with international financial organizations necessity was mentioned. In the article, the world's largest financial organizations of our independent republic, Islam it is shown that the connection with international funds of finance is growing. This, in turn, is for entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan access to the world market, production of goods according to world standards and, as a result, economic and social in the republic it is explained that prosperity will further develop, and small and medium-sized enterprises will achieve great success.


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How to Cite
Ruzibaeva Nargiza Khakimovna. (2024). Integration of Uzbekistan into the International Financial System. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 5(1), 106-111.