Formation of socio-cultural competence witin project technology

  • Dysetayeva R.B Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University. Foreign language: two foreign language. Master degree 2nd course
  • Askarova S.A Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
Keywords: sociocultural competence, problem-project approach, project technology, WebQuest


The formation and development of the components of socio-cultural competence provides the student with the opportunity to navigate the socio-cultural characteristics of the people with whom he communicates, to predict possible socio-cultural obstacles in the context of intercultural communication and ways to eliminate them. It creates the basis for the implementation of independent study of other countries, peoples, cultural communities; mastering the ways of representing the native culture in a foreign language environment; sociocultural self-education in any other, previously unexplored spheres of direct and mediated communication. As we know, language and culture are the most important aspect in the process of learning a foreign language. Learning a foreign language at an intercultural level is impossible without knowing the culture of another people. Accordingly, language learning cannot be complete without studying the culture of the target language.


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How to Cite
Dysetayeva R.B, & Askarova S.A. (2021). Formation of socio-cultural competence witin project technology. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 2(1), 31-35.