Влияние подвижных упражнений под музыку на формирование компетенций физической культуры в младшем школьном возрасте

  • Анарбаева Динара Алмасовна Школа-гимназия №22 им.М. Ауэзова, г.Кентау, учитель физкультуры
Keywords: physical culture, pedagogical task, General culture of society, physical abilities, strengthen achievements, exercise


The development of physical culture competencies can be considered as an important social and pedagogical task, especially for school age, when the basic concepts of General culture are laid down. Also, physical culture is part of the General culture of society, representing achievements in the development of physical abilities and health improvement of people. Therefore, there is a need to study the positive impact of additional factors that help lay the basic concepts of physical culture and allow you to strengthen achievements in this direction at an early school age. In particular, such a positive influence is the musical accompaniment during exercise.


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How to Cite
Анарбаева Динара Алмасовна. (2021). Влияние подвижных упражнений под музыку на формирование компетенций физической культуры в младшем школьном возрасте. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 2(1), 43-45. https://doi.org/10.47494/cajitmf.v2i1.80