Development of agroturism in kazakhstan main directions

  • Жолманова Н.Ж. Халықаралық туризм және меймандостық университеті
  • Алимбеков Д.А. Халықаралық туризм және меймандостық университеті
Keywords: agrotourism, rural tourism, British organizational model


In the article, the activity in the field of agritourism is an entrepreneurial activity of the villagers by renting their accommodation to tourists. This is explained by the composition of tourism as elements of other types of tourism. The reasons for the rapid development of rural tourism are the crisis in the agricultural sector and the growth of the organic structure of capital in agriculture. The growth of the organic structure of capital leads to an increase in labor productivity and job losses, which leads to unemployment in rural areas


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How to Cite
Жолманова Н.Ж., & Алимбеков Д.А. (2021). Development of agroturism in kazakhstan main directions. Central Asian Journal of Innovations on Tourism Management and Finance, 2(2), 1-7.